Welcome to Apache Cassandra Summit Europe 2013. Join us and hundreds of your database peers, and take a deep dive into Apache Cassandra, the massively scalable NoSQL database that powers global businesses like Netflix, Adobe, Thomson Reuters and eBay.

Thursday, October 17 • 2:30pm - 3:10pm
Building a CQL Driver

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I’m not a database driver expert, I’m just a Ruby developer who really likes Cassandra, but I’ve written a CQL driver. It wasn’t hard, and it feels really good to now have an understanding of how my applications talk to Cassandra. To know what happens when I connect, prepare a statement, or how my data is encoded on its way to the database. When my CQL collections got big and I got weird results back, I could use my knowledge to quickly debug the issue. I’d like to give you an overview of the new native protocol from the driver perspective, maybe it can help you understand Cassandra the way it has helped me.

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Theo Hultberg

Chief Architect, Burt
Theo Hultberg is Chief Architect at Burt, a Gothenburg based big data startup that wants to revolutionize the advertising industry by showing that there's more to ad analytics than clicks. He’s the co-organizer of his local Ruby, Scala, and distributed systems user groups, but... Read More →

Thursday October 17, 2013 2:30pm - 3:10pm BST
Frobisher 2 & 3 Barbican Centre, Silk Street, London EC2Y 8DS, UK